Atlanta Truck Driver Fatigue Lawyer

Experienced Truck Driver Fatigue Lawyers in Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Truck Driver Fatigue LawyerTractor Trailer drivers are, by and large, as safe of a group of drivers as there are. Compound that with the electronic time logging requirements from the DOT and truck driving should be safer than ever. But it’s not.

Many commercial truck drivers are under pressure from their company to find creative ways to fake their time behind the wheel.

They will obscure the fact that they are on duty waiting for a load by shutting the truck down. We all thought that getting rid of paper logs would make this less of a problem, but it is worse now. So knowing this, how does this fit into crash investigation. How do I know if a tractor trailer driver was on the road too long and being exhausted was the cause of the crash? Careful detective work by a skilled truck attorney can use a combination of GPS pings, fuel stops, mapping software and time calculation to uncover what they are hiding.

Why Choose Our Tired Driver Truck Accident Attorneys?

  • For over 30 years we have assisted victims of truck accidents due caused by driver fatigue.
  • We have significant experience in working with insurance companies and will not be pressured into settling for less than fair compensation.
  • We are not paid by the hour, but on a contingent fee basis; which means, we will only get paid when we win your case.

What Is Truck Driver Fatigue?

Fatigued driving is a form of impairment caused by a lack of sleep, that drastically affects a driver’s ability to operate a truck or motor vehicle safely. The result of driving while tired or drowsy can be:

  • Decreased Alertness
  • Impaired Judgment (errors in calculating speed and distance)
  • Slower reaction times
  • Nodding off
  • Cloudy thoughts
  • Blurry vision 

Truck drivers in Georgia are often under an immense amount of pressure from their employers to meet deadlines. While transporting items from destination to destination in a quick and efficient manner is important, in doing so, drivers frequently engage in the dangerous behavior of driving when they are far too tired to navigate the roads safely. 

FMCSA Trucker Regulations

A branch of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), has set rules and regulations on truck drivers’ hours of service:

14-Hour “Driving Window:” Truck drivers may not work more than 14 consecutive hours, following at least 10 consecutive hours off-duty.

11-Hour Driving Limit: Truckers can drive a maximum of 11 consecutive driving hours during the 14-hour driving window, after having 10 consecutive hours off-duty.

Breaks: A 30-minute break is required after 8 hours, drivers must tally 10 hours of rest while off-duty.

60-Hour/7-Day: Truck drivers may not drive more than 60 hours in seven days on duty.

70-Hour/8-Day: Truckers may not drive more than 70 hours in eight days on duty.

Drivers are required to record their breaks and driving time in a log book. Although these rules and regulations have helped reduce the number of accidents due to truck driver fatigue, the issue has not been eliminated. 

How A Lawyer Can Help

When you hire an Atlanta truck accident lawyer, you will have an entire team working to get you through the legal process of dealing with your injury or loved one’s death. On your behalf, a lawyer can:

  • Contact and handle all communication with insurance companies.
  • Investigate, collect evidence, and speak with witnesses, family members, and the authorities.
  • Advise you of who you are required to speak with and who you may choose to disregard.
  • Work with insurers and healthcare providers to ensure your bills are being paid.
  • Formulate a legal strategy you are comfortable with and keep you updated on the progress of your case.

Speak to a Skilled Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been injured by a fatigued truck driver, you may be entitled to compensation for the losses in which you have endured. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta car accident lawyer at The Simon Law Firm.